Emerging from the shadow of World War II
Global Indiana demonstrates Indiana’s influence on a global scale—from Hoosier-created objects that helped win World War II, to Ernie Pyle’s stories from the trenches that were read across the world. After the dark days of war, see pop culture and suburban lifestyle items emerge in the post-war economic boom.

First-hand account
Read an excerpt from an article Ernie Pyle wrote describing his experience in the World War II trenches, then see his actual typewriter and duffle bag

Eye spy
Share or hear a personal story about the items found on the giant pop-culture walls, including toys, sports equipment and kitchen tools. We bet you know a Hoosier who loved one or two of these!

Early Innovators
Find out how early automotive pioneers John Lambert and Elwood Haynes helped change the transportation world with their inventions. Explore the contrasts between their early cars and see the device that Sylvanus Bowser invented that we all still use today.

Driving forward
Stand next to another popular car—this one reflects a much different time! Compare the differences between this 1950 Studebaker Champion, an affordable family car, and the Stutz Safety Sedan found in Enterprise Indiana.
A Look Around Global Indiana
The Voice of the American Soldier
With all of the literary firepower covering and supporting the war efforts (everyone from Ernest Hemingway to Pearl Buck), the most famous American writer during World War II was a soft-spoken journalist from Dana, Indiana, named Ernie Pyle. Traveling with American soldiers on the front lines in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and France, war correspondent Pyle wrote about what it was like to be an ordinary soldier during World War II. His beloved columns were published in more than 400 daily newspapers nationwide, read by millions and earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 1944.
See How Far Cars have Traveled
Take a tour with Senior Curator of Science and Technology Damon Lowe as he tells the story of some of our most prized collection items.